Final Round: City-A-Gone!

The Deep, The Choir, the Archangel, EAT, the Dying Man, the Morsus Rabbit, and the Vision! Those are the lucky contestants left in our final round! 

Now you may be wondering, how will this tournament continue if the Empty City itself, which this entire tournament is taking place inside of may I remind you, is no longer in existence? Well... We have a hell of an answer for you there, but a more important question is who am I? 

Well... I'm The Announcer, that's right the one, the only, The Announcer... Iteration 235 

And I'm here to announce the final round of this amazing contest. 

Brought to you by the very slow death of the Empty City. See, we ensured that the Empty City would slowly fade and crumble as opposed to vanishing all at once so we could have this great final round. Our contestants today are standing on what might seem to be a solid floor, but beneath that solid floor there's nothing, but an endless void and as the City slowly fades away so will that floor. Last Fear to fall into endless nothingness wins. There are no rules. Do whatever it takes to be the LAST FEAR STANDING!

With the announcement of the round starting the section of ground each of our contestants are standing on suddenly crumbles away. Most of the Fears manage to avoid falling, but unfortunately, The Choir was simply a patch of sentient mold on said crumbling piece. I don't know how a patch of sentient mold has even made it this far in a physically demanding competition, but it appears reality has righted itself. 

The floor is hilariously unstable and each step these Fears take merely causes more of their potential footholds to fall away. The Dying Man appears to have lost a leg and collapsed into a hole opened by The Morsus Rabbit who is hopping madly from place to place trying to keep from falling. The Vision and Archangel have both made the clever choice to just... stop standing and use their wings to fly. However, they have also both noticed the other one doing so and have begun to fight. You might ask the obvious question, wait the Archangel has wings?  Which is clearly a stupid question. 

Okay yeah, but he's in his gas masked form, does it have wings? To which the answer is... Um... Apparently? 

The Deep is casually stepping from each piece of breaking ground to the next, but he's stopped in front of one of the holes made by The Morsus Rabbit and is just staring down at the void below. He let's out a longing sigh, but his moment of introspection was a moment too long as before he's realized it he's falling. EAT has been making strategic moves, specifically she's been trying to block off The Morsus Rabbit's movement and The Morsus Rabbit appears to have noticed finally as she's come to a dead end. 

There's no ground in front of her, but there is a patch a short distance away on which EAT is waiting. The Rabbit makes the Leap and... 

Is immediately grabbed by EAT and tossed into the void... 

The Archangel and Vision are locked in their heated combat floating above the ground. The Vision is trying her best to reach The Archangel who is deftly keeping her at bay with his shotgun, her ability to predict when he'll fire and the spread of his bullets keeping her from being hit, but making it difficult for her to attack. Unfortunately her ability to see the future and The Archangel's focus are both focused on each other and neither of them notice as EAT uses her tentacles to simply grab both of them and toss them down into the void. 

EAT is the last one standing.

"You fools thought you could beat me? I AM EAT! I've played so much Fall Guys! I have won so many matches I have bought every single skin! I am the Goddess of Fall Guys!" EAT roars in triumph. Suddenly she vanishes.

I don't know where she went, but the tournament is over... EAT won.

and now I can finally leave this rotting place and get back to the real world. 

Er... How do I get out of here?

Guys? Guys I'm still here? 


The floor of the announcers booth is kind of... Crumbling... Anyone there?

Oh.. god I'm going to die again? No worse I'm going to cease existing?!

 Oh my god my creator just retroactively gave me a family!

I suddenly have had a family! 


My poor wife... Unnamed and my children Girl #1 and Boy number #1!

I'll miss you, now that I have multiple memories of your existenceeeeeeeeeeeee-


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