Epilogue: All is revealed... Maybe

 The Game Master is sitting in a chair. In front of him a figure stands.

"The Tournament is over. The announcers have all died we are ready to move on to the next phase of the pl-" the figure speaks before suddenly clutching his chest and collapsing to the ground. Hella walks into view. 

"After your interaction with the Deep, I was wondering when you'd confront me yourself," The Game Master says watching her. 

"I don't know what your plan is exactly, but whatever you're doing with these tournaments, it ends here." Hella announces. 

The Game Master stands up. "You think you can stop me?!" he announces and Hella shakes her head.

"Not by myself perhaps, but I know who can," 

Suddenly the Deep appears and tendrils launch out wrapping around the Game Master. 

"What, but you died. You fell into the-" The Game Master exclaims.

"-The unknowable void?" The Deep finishes.

"Oh right..." The Game Master says realization dawning. 

"It's over!" Hella states triumphantly, but The Game Master just shrugs. 

"You really believed I was the one pulling the strings, no... I'm just another pawn. The Tournaments are the work of something much greater. My death won't even slow them down, you've accomplished nothing!" he exclaims before being devoured by The Deep. 

"I mean honestly... I really just wanted to kill you," Hella admits. "I'm not even entirely sure why I'm supposed to have any kind of stake in any of this," 

"Yeah honestly me either? Can I go back to only maybe possibly, theoretically existing now?" The Deep asks. 

"Yeah sure whatever... I'm gonna go back to doing whatever, which may or may not be trying to find out who's really in charge. I don't know this narrative seems rather poorly thought out,"

 "also what happened to EAT?"

"I dunno... I guess she went off and got a prize or something..."

both vanish.


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